Plot: Early Man


In the Stone Age when prehistoric creatures and cavemen roamed the Earth, Chief Bobnar is the leader of a small tribe living in a valley where they hunt rabbits.

One night, Chief Bobnar's tribe is driven out of their valley home by a Bronze Age army led by Lord Nooth who claims that the Age of Stone is over and that the Age of Bronze has begun. They are forced to live in the volcanic badlands outside it. A young caveman named Dug tries to attack but falls into a basket. The army unknowingly transports Dug to the Bronze Age city. He tries to escape the city, but is forced to hide from Lord Nooth's guards. He is then mistaken for a player in a public game of football and led out onto the pitch. In front of Lord Nooth and the spectators in the stadium, he challenges the local team to a game and strikes a deal with Lord Nooth: if his team wins, they will get their valley back. If they lose, they will have to work in the mines forever.

Dug in Early Man

Dug realises that his own ancestors invented and played football, but his tribe are mostly too dim to understand it. After some fruitless training, their pitch is wrecked and the ball is punctured. Dug and his pet wild boar Hognob sneak into the Bronze age city to steal some more balls. They succeed with the help from a local resident named Goona, who dreams of playing football herself, but the local teams exclude women.

She instead joins Dug's team and coaches them. She suggests that while the city team have talented players, they have minuscule teamwork. As the game approaches, Dug's team make great improvements. Lord Nooth is visited by a message Bird from Queen Oofeefa, who warns him to take Dug's team seriously. He tries to discourage Dug by revealing that the tribe's ancestors were actually bad at football and gave up; he offers Dug an alternative deal.


The match day arrives and Queen Oofeefa is in attendance. Dug appears and instead announces he will accept Lord Nooth's alternative offer, that only he will work in the mines while the rest of his tribe remain exiled to the badlands. However, the rest of the tribe arrive and convince him that they should go ahead with the game. After scoring an early goal, they find themselves down 3-1 at half time. In the second half, they improve their game and equalise.

Displeased, Lord Nooth knocks out the referee and takes over, making biased decisions such as awarding the city team an unnecessary penalty kick. Chief, the goalkeeper, is knocked out and Dug is forced to let Hognob play on the team. Hognob saves the penalty and the ball returns to play. Dug scores the winning goal in the closing minutes of the game and win 4-3.

As a reward, the tribe are allowed to return to their valley, having won the respect of Queen Oofeefa, the opposing team, and the crowd. Lord Nooth tries to escape in the mascot's outfit but is stopped and revealed to be stealing money. In the end, Goona has joined Dug and his tribe as they go out hunting.
