Gloria, an unemployed writer struggling with an alcohol addiction is kicked out of their New York City apartment by her boyfriend Tim. He seemingly breaks up with her causing her to move back to her Middle American hometown. There, she is reunited with her childhood friend Oscar, who incumbently runs his late dad's bar. Oscar is warm and accommodating to Gloria. He presents her a television for her unfurnished house and gives her a job at the bar.
Despite working at the bar, her alcohol problem persists. She gets to meet Oscar's friends, Garth and Joel, whom she joins in their culture of staying up very late drinking. Gloria takes to sleeping it off on a bench near a children's playground. At the same time, a reptilian kaiju begins to appear in Seoul, South Korea, leaving death and destruction in its wake. Gradually, Gloria realizes to her shock that when she walks through the playground at exactly 8:05 in the morning, she causes the Kaiju to manifest half a world away.
Gloria reveals her secret to Oscar and his friends. They are surprised to realize that Oscar's presence on the playground apparently causes a giant robot to manifest in seoul too. Gloria seeks to make amends, she spells out an apology on the ground, to the excitement of the South Korean people and the media. She begins to avoid both the playground and alcohol.
Gloria wakes from Joel's room one day to realize that a drunk Oscar is using his avatar to frighten the people of Seoul. She confronts him and talks him into leaving
But Oscar, when he finds out that Gloria has slept with his friend Joel, revisits the playground in a spirit of vengeance, to Gloria's horror. Later that night at the bar, Oscar drunkenly insults his friends and demands that Gloria have a drink. Oscar threatens Gloria to obey him, saying he will return to the playground if she does not. The next morning, a sobered up Oscar confesses his remorse and pleads with Gloria to forgive him. Gloria accepts his apology, but it is clear that Oscar continues to want to control her.
The situation escalates when Tim, Gloria's estranged ex, shows up in town. Oscar provokes a confrontation that ends with him setting off a large firework inside the bar. Oscar explains his performance by by saying that no matter how out of control he might become he knows that Gloria will remain under his thumb. Later Oscar shows up at Gloria's place, telling her he is there to prevent her from calling Tim and going back home with him.
A flashback to a freak incident with lightning that strikes both Gloria and Oscar when they are kids passing near the playground area reveals to Gloria how she and Oscar are able to manifest their respective avatars in South Korea. But Gloria has an even greater revelation. She understands that Oscar hates himself, and always has and because of that hate he acts out in violence and manipulation. Gloria resolves to leave with Tim, and so Oscar leaves for the playground, intending to make good on his threat. When Gloria follows, Oscar beats her, leaving her on the ground while he gleefully terrorizes Seoul.
Miserably making her way back to her house, Gloria has another realization. She contacts Tim to explain that no, she actually cannot join him. She has caught a plane for Seoul. Once again at 8:05 in the morning, U.S. time, Oscar causes the giant robot to manifest in Seoul. As she heads towards Oscar's avatar on the city streets, Gloria causes her Kaiju to appear at the playground. Clutched in the Kaiju's giant hand, Oscar is vicious and controlling to the end, telling Gloria to"put me down, bitch!" At that, the Gloria/Kaiju throws Oscar away like a broken toy.
Her mission accomplished, Gloria retreats to an empty bar. Settling into her seat, Gloria promises the affable young woman serving drinks an incredible story.
Despite working at the bar, her alcohol problem persists. She gets to meet Oscar's friends, Garth and Joel, whom she joins in their culture of staying up very late drinking. Gloria takes to sleeping it off on a bench near a children's playground. At the same time, a reptilian kaiju begins to appear in Seoul, South Korea, leaving death and destruction in its wake. Gradually, Gloria realizes to her shock that when she walks through the playground at exactly 8:05 in the morning, she causes the Kaiju to manifest half a world away.
Gloria reveals her secret to Oscar and his friends. They are surprised to realize that Oscar's presence on the playground apparently causes a giant robot to manifest in seoul too. Gloria seeks to make amends, she spells out an apology on the ground, to the excitement of the South Korean people and the media. She begins to avoid both the playground and alcohol.
Gloria wakes from Joel's room one day to realize that a drunk Oscar is using his avatar to frighten the people of Seoul. She confronts him and talks him into leaving
But Oscar, when he finds out that Gloria has slept with his friend Joel, revisits the playground in a spirit of vengeance, to Gloria's horror. Later that night at the bar, Oscar drunkenly insults his friends and demands that Gloria have a drink. Oscar threatens Gloria to obey him, saying he will return to the playground if she does not. The next morning, a sobered up Oscar confesses his remorse and pleads with Gloria to forgive him. Gloria accepts his apology, but it is clear that Oscar continues to want to control her.
The situation escalates when Tim, Gloria's estranged ex, shows up in town. Oscar provokes a confrontation that ends with him setting off a large firework inside the bar. Oscar explains his performance by by saying that no matter how out of control he might become he knows that Gloria will remain under his thumb. Later Oscar shows up at Gloria's place, telling her he is there to prevent her from calling Tim and going back home with him.
A flashback to a freak incident with lightning that strikes both Gloria and Oscar when they are kids passing near the playground area reveals to Gloria how she and Oscar are able to manifest their respective avatars in South Korea. But Gloria has an even greater revelation. She understands that Oscar hates himself, and always has and because of that hate he acts out in violence and manipulation. Gloria resolves to leave with Tim, and so Oscar leaves for the playground, intending to make good on his threat. When Gloria follows, Oscar beats her, leaving her on the ground while he gleefully terrorizes Seoul.
Miserably making her way back to her house, Gloria has another realization. She contacts Tim to explain that no, she actually cannot join him. She has caught a plane for Seoul. Once again at 8:05 in the morning, U.S. time, Oscar causes the giant robot to manifest in Seoul. As she heads towards Oscar's avatar on the city streets, Gloria causes her Kaiju to appear at the playground. Clutched in the Kaiju's giant hand, Oscar is vicious and controlling to the end, telling Gloria to"put me down, bitch!" At that, the Gloria/Kaiju throws Oscar away like a broken toy.
Her mission accomplished, Gloria retreats to an empty bar. Settling into her seat, Gloria promises the affable young woman serving drinks an incredible story.
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