INSIDIOUS: Brilliant parapsychologist Elsie Rainier receives a disturbing phone call from a man who claims that his house is haunted. Even more disturbing is the address - 413 Apple Tree  Lane in Five Keys, N.M - the home where Elise grew up as a child.

Trailer: Insidious

 Accompanied by her two investigative partners, Rainier travels to Five Keys to confront and destroy her greatest fear - the demon she accidentally set free years earlier.  



MOLLY'S GAME: Molly Bloom is a charismatic, young, Olympic-class skier who ran the world's most exclusive high-stakes poker game for a decade before being arrested in the middle of the night by 17 FBI agents wielding automatic weapons.

Trailer: Molly's Game

Her players included Hollywood royalty, sports stars, business titans and finally, unbeknownst to her, the Russian mob. Her only ally is her criminal defence lawyer, who learns there's much more to Molly than the tabloid leads us to believe.
